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Our Community

Seeds4Success is a local charity, grown in response to local need and developed with the support of the local community, with young people at its heart. The relationship between Seeds4Success and the communities around South West Wiltshire is a real strength, local town and parish councils support our work and we enable young people make a positive contribution to their communities. Many of our funders are local individuals, grant making bodies and charitable trusts who know the local area and recognise the impact Seeds4Success is having on young people and the wider community.

Our board of trustees are local people, with a real understanding of the issues affecting young people growing up in South West Wiltshire, individuals from the local community regularly volunteer at our youth work sessions and support the work of the charity and our young leaders and youth committee are the driving force behind our development. 

As we grow, our community is growing with us. These individuals, organisations and groups are our greatest supporters and advocates and we are incredibly grateful for all they bring to our charity and the significant contributions they make.   

If you feel you would like to become involved with S4S here are a few suggested ways you can make a difference:     

By becoming a Young Leader or a member of the S4S Youth Committee.

By funding projects and activities, buying our products or providing us with new environmental and community tasks.

By making a regular donation to S4S through Local Giving.

By becoming a S4S volunteer – we are looking for adults who can support in a range of roles including; a trustee with experience in finance, becoming a mentor for a young person requiring some additional support, assisting with administrative work, assisting with youth work sessions.  Local businesses may wish to enhance their employees skills, experience and wellbeing by encouraging and supporting staff to become volunteers or mentors with S4S. Please see Our Volunteers or Our Mentors pages for more information and details of how to contact us and to apply. 


We can also benefit you by:

Providing positive leisure time activities to local young people.

Helping to improve your community through young people’s hard work on Leisure Credits or a specificsocial action project through our Local Youth Action Scheme (LYAS).

Helping to support your business by supplying you with products we make such as wildlife homes.

There may be other ways that S4S can be involved with you, your organisation, business or your community so please contact us for an informal chat to see what we might be able to offer.


To get in touch please see Our Charity page for contact details and a contact form.