Seeds4Success is a local youth work charity, grown in response to local need and developed with the support of the local community, with young people at its heart.
Scroll down for details of how to get in touch.
“Through inclusive engagement of young people in social action and a range of positive activities, our aim is to develop confident, healthy, skilful, valued and empowered members of our local community, providing targeted support to those facing additional barriers”.
Due to the supervisory nature of these posts we can only employ people aged 18 or over. These roles require a desire and commitment to addressing the needs of local children and young people, with experience of working in an informal role, delivering activities to this age group. This is a fantastic opportunity to work for a local charity who are making a real difference to the lives of our young residents.
Seeds4Success recognises that children and young people live in families and local communities that can be both sources of support and safety but also danger and risk. We believe that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and should be reflected in every aspect of our work with children and young people. The welfare of every child and young person in contact with the charity remains our priority at all times.
This role is a regulated activity and thus subject to an enhanced DBS check, a children barred list check and two satisfactory references.
For information and an application pack please contact Jaki Farrell on 07585723824 or email [email protected]
Adverts, Job Descriptions and Person Specifications for all vacancies, along with the Application Form and Equal Opportunities Form, can be found in the Downloads section on the right of this page.
To enable us to grow and adapt in the future, so we can continue to offer effective support to young people in South West Wiltshire, we have changed the structure of our charity. Seeds4Success is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) without membership and our new registered charity number is 1193737. If you would like more details about how a CIO is different to our previous structure, please visit the Charity Commission section of the website by clicking here. Our new constitution as a CIO can be viewed by clicking here.
To see the plans for our new youth centre building click here.
The relationship between Seeds4Success and the communities around South West Wiltshire is a real strength, local town and parish councils support our work and we enable young people make a positive contribution to their communities. Many of our funders are local individuals, grant making bodies and charitable trusts who know the local area and recognise the impact Seeds4Success is having on young people and the wider community.
We provide developmental opportunities to young people in South West Wiltshire. Our projects include practical conservation work and reward opportunities through our Leisure Credits Scheme, programmes targeted at young people with SEND to enhance their social and physical development, a leadership programme to develop the young person’s committee for the charity and to grow peer leaders to support our youth work offer to younger members, activities to promote health and wellbeing, specific projects to develop young people’s skills, 1:1, small groupwork sessions and mentoring that support young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training as well as open access youth work opportunities.
Our board of trustees are local people, with a real understanding of the issues affecting young people growing up in South West Wiltshire, individuals from the local community regularly volunteer at our youth work sessions and support the work of the charity and our young leaders and youth committee are the driving force behind our development.
Please get in touch using:
the contact form in the side bar of this page;
or the details below.
Seeds 4 Success
Mere DC4YP
The Recreation Ground
Queens Road
BA12 6EP
Tel: 07585 723824
Email: [email protected]